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Airport Fly-in Saturday Draws Large Crowd

The Rocky Mountain Renegades leave smoke trails as they pass over a vintage war bird plane at Saturday's open house at the Fremont County Airport

A fly-in and open house staged at the Fremont County Airport Saturday as part of the airport’s 60th anniversary drew hundreds of visitors.   Airport Manager Richard Baker said he was pleased with the turnout as spectators enjoyed static displays of vintage aircraft, war bird displays, classic cars, helicopter rides, and aerobatic flybys by the Rocky Mountain Renegades.

Volunteers with the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 808 served a fly-in breakfast starting at 7 a.m.   They reported serving the largest crowd ever at the Fremont County Airport and were pleased with the turnout but disappointed that they ran out of eggs and sausage for those in attendance.

Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden expressed appreciation to the effort put into the open house and fly-in by Baker, his employees,  and the members of the Fremont County Airport Advisory Committee.

Spectators enjoy the static displays of aircraft at the Fremont County Airport's 60th Anniversary Open House last Saturday. Hundreds enjoyed the displays and flyovers.